11 Questions to Ask Before You Hug Him
Should you hug that guy or not hug him? Is a front hug or a side hug more appropriate?
Should you hug that guy or not hug him? Is a front hug or a side hug more appropriate?
This October I’ll marry a “rich” (in my mind, anyway) CPA husband. I always imagined marrying a poor seminary student, so I’ve been pleasantly taken back by this surprising twist. Truth be told, I’ve looked forward to mooching off of him, to not having to put in forty hours at the office each week, to …
Let me guess. You can’t wait ’til your parents bug off and get out of your business. I felt the same way when I was your age. But I didn’t realize then that this authority thing never ends.
I know you think your crush is pretty amazing, but have you ever compared him to Christ? Let’s do so in two specific ways and see who shines.
Apparently I’m not the only one who has wondered how God can satisfy when all I want is a pair of strong arms to hold me close. Here’s what Rebecca wrote me.
Dear “I’m falling in love with an atheist,” Please don’t read this letter with a harsh, condemning tone, but with an urgent, pleading one. I’m deeply concerned for you, and I want you to wake up. Let’s start by recalling who a Christian is.