How to Know God’s Will For Your Career

Do you struggle to know God’s will for your career? If so, here are a few thoughts for you as you face this overwhelming decision.

How to Know God’s Will For Your Career: You Decide 

First, a little history; We live in a unique time. Choices abound: Ministry or military service? Dive into a job directly out of high school or attend college? Major in film, business, engineering, or teaching? 

It was not always so.

“During Bible times,” Gary Friesen writes in Decision Making and the Will of God, “Sons usually took up the occupations of their fathers . . . daughters became wives. Asking a young Israelite if he had discovered God’s will for his life’s work would probably elicit a blank stare.”

Yet often Christians believe they need to discover God’s specific will for exactly what kind of work they do.

It doesn’t work that way.

Scripture shows God is not concerned with what career you choose (unless, of course, it’s in direct disobedience to His revealed will in Scripture, such as prostitution). God cares about how you do your work.

How to Know God’s Will For Your Career: Represent Him Well

As Gary Friesen shares in his book, your work should be characterized by:

As you seek to represent God, it’s important to:

  • Work diligently, even when no one is watching, knowing your ultimate superior is the Lord (Col. 3:23).
  • Regard your employer as worthy of all honor (1 Tim. 6:1) and show respect even to unreasonable supervisors (1 Peter 2:18).
  • Not take advantage of an employer who is also a believer, but serve him or her all the more out of love (1 Tim. 6:2).

Don’t fret when you don’t hear God whisper, “Work in the fashion industry,” or “Enroll in Bible college.” Instead, listen to His clear voice through Scripture and practice representing Him well right where you are. How can you glorify God and love others with the gifts He has given you today?

I’d love to hear from you. What thoughts or questions do you have after reading this post? And what specific step will you take today to glorify God in the way you work?

A Few Final Notes

Paula (Hendricks) Marsteller is a compassionate, bold Christian communicator offering you gospel hope, thought-provoking questions, and practical help along the way.

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