How Can I Know If He’s a Christian?
He says he believes in God, but then again, so do the demons (James 2:19). So how can you know–really know–if he’s a Christian?
How Can I Know If He’s a Christian? Read More »
He says he believes in God, but then again, so do the demons (James 2:19). So how can you know–really know–if he’s a Christian?
How Can I Know If He’s a Christian? Read More »
Should I leave my unbelieving husband? “Marriage is supposed to be two-as-one,” she wrote me after leaving her unbelieving husband. “But that’s not how it was for us; We were not one.” This woman had returned to the Lord while still married, but her husband persisted in unbelief. Her statement raises an important question: Should
Should I Leave My Unbelieving Husband? Read More »
While I longed for marriage for years, I never once dreamed of having kids. First female president of the U.S., sure; mom, no. Call me strange, but I’ve never been one to “ooh” and “aah” over babies. As a twelve-year-old eager to start earning money, rather than babysitting, I chose to detassle corn and work
Why I Chose to Have Kids, Against My Feelings Read More »
Should we move? A few weeks before, Trevor’s sister had told him about an amazing opportunity with her company. Trevor has lived in Syracuse his whole life; I remember him telling me when we were dating that he had no plans of ever moving.
“Should I move to the same city where my long-distance boyfriend lives?” That is the question on the table for today. The topic came across my radar when I received this email:
Should I Move Near My Boyfriend? Read More »
Hey, girls! Since it’s the day after Valentine’s Day and love is still in the air (or at least on our minds), I thought I’d share this interview with you from I hope my responses will help you as you think about someday possibly moving from singleness to marriage. Enjoy!